in News
Client News: Employee engagement scheme launches to boost business productivity
With low employee engagement costing the UK £340bn a year, a Norfolk Business Coach has launched a brand new initiative helping East Anglia businesses to improve employee productivity.
in Awards, Leisure and tourism
PR Campaign for Norfolk tourist attraction shortlisted for CIPR Award
We are delighted to announce that Reflection PR has been shortlisted for a 2016 CIPR PRide Award.
in PR Careers
My PR Work Experience…
University student, Lucia, completed work experience with us at Reflection PR and here’s her story telling you all about her experience…
in News
Client News: Virgin VOOM semi-finalist aspires to disrupt the music industry
A local music entrepreneur who made it to the semi-finals of Richard Branson’s VOOM 2016 competition is pledging to disrupt the traditional record label model by discovering and developing musicians through video content.
Client News: Highball Climbing Centre launches new over 50’s club
Highball Climbing Centre, in Norwich, has launched a brand new initiative to inspire people aged over 50 to socialise, whilst experiencing something new.
Client News: Reflection PR launches new brand for London client
We’ve recently sprung into action at Reflection PR, adding the ‘missing piece’ to our IT client’s new business venture.
in News
What is the future of Print Media?
Back in February just as The Independent announced the end to their print edition, Trinity Mirror’s new standalone paper ‘New Day’ popped up. But before you could blink it’s gone!
in News
Client News: New website a huge success with customers
International brand, Sunflex UK is ‘out with the old and in with the new’ with a fresh new website to boost online enquiries.
in Awards
Awards success for Reflection PR Awards
Congratulations to Electrolink who has been shortlisted for the National Recycling Awards 2016.