in News
5 reasons why features are good for your business
We aim to make businesses famous and one way we do this is through writing features.
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Mortgage applications double for Norfolk firm
Independent financial advisors, Premier Financial Group in Norwich are experiencing a period of growth as staff numbers have increased by five with another to be recruited thanks to a higher demand for mortgages.
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It’s our third birthday!
This week is very special as it’s our third anniversary. And to celebrate, we’ve launched our new website to showcase client news and provide insights into how PR can positively impact your business.
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Three is the magic PR number
In honour of our third anniversary, we’re looking back at the last three years in PR to see what’s changed over this time.
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Calling East Anglia: Have you got writing talent?
Rethink Press, a new Norfolk-based publishing business, is starting up to help writers get their work into print. And to celebrate its launch, budding authors have a chance to get their novel published through an exciting competition.
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Our Values
We believe your PR consultancy is a reflection of your company and a honest and friendly working relationship is essential. So please think of us as an extension of your team.
Our values include: